
As a member of the TUM Association of Alumni and Friends, you will be invited to several exclusive events every year. The faculty visits, expert lectures and the General Assembly are held in German.
Music connects people across all language barriers: As a special highlight, the TUM’s annual concerts – performed by the “Symphonisches Ensemble München”, directed by Felix Mayer and including soloists from among the TUM family – takes place in the Philharmonic Hall. The event, which is held under the motto “Scientiis et Artibus”, is also sponsored by the Freunde der TUM.

Last year marks the 100th anniversary of Bund der Freunde. The celebration event took place on July 15, 2022. Photos


Advent Concert     |    Summer Events    |     Lectures    |     Jubilarians

An exclusive glimpse behind the scenes: The summer events at TUM

Each year in July, the member of the TUM Association of Alumni and Friends is invited to visit a department or another institution of TUM. There, professors and outstanding young researchers present them their research projects in exciting lectures and interesting guided tours, followed by an opportunity for “questions and answers” together with a small snack.

Friday, Juli 19, 2024


Expert reports: “Forschung live”

In the course of the annual meeting, a TUM researcher will hold a special lecture for the members of the TUM Association of Alumni and Friends, providing insight into outstanding university research as well as surprising details about innovative projects.

„Sustainable and Solid Energy Storage: A Chemist’s Love Story“
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Rupp
Professorship for Solid-State Electrolytes, TUM

Golden and silver jubilarians

Every year, in the course of the General Assembly, the TUM Association of Alumni and Friends honors its long-standing members for their loyalty to the association and to the university itself. In addition to a certificate, the jubilarians are awarded a golden needle for 50 years of membership or a silver needle for 40 years of membership. In 2013, the first members were also honored for 60 years of membership.