Dr.-Ing. Daniel Tomic

1976 Born in Gräfelfing, married, 2 children (4 and 7 years)


Education and studies:

1996 Higher education entrance qualification (Abitur): Gymnasium Puchheim
1997 Military service; “Offiziersschule der Luftwaffe“ (OCS of the Air Force)
2003 Degree Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineering (TUM), Semester abroad at MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
2014 Master of Business Administration (MBA, extra-occupational at the TUM School of Management)



2004 Research Assistant at the TUM Chair of Machine Elements
2006 Academic Council (temporary civil servant)
2009 Doctoral degree in the field of vehicle transmission optimization (Dr.-Ing.)
2010 Entry into the family business Tomic Group
seit 2012 Managing Director and member of the Management Board of Tomic Group